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traditional implant vs mini dental implant

Dental Implants vs. Mini Dental Implants

Dental Implants at Altman DentalDental implants can offer an amazing look to your mouth. Traditionally, if people needed to have a tooth pulled, the solution was to have a fixed bridge, or build a partial or full denture. Dentures do not have the strength that your real teeth have.  A fixed bridge involves preparing the adjacent teeth.  For more on bridges, click here. Without a tooth in place, patients will lose bone over time.  An implant can help stop this process, and provide a better cosmetic solution.  What is a dental implant? A dental implant is when we use a medical grade post that is inserted into your bone. On top of that, we place a dental crown, so that the new “tooth” looks as if it is a real tooth.

Recently, there have been a lot of changes going on in the implant field. While technology has improved dramatically, it doesn’t always mean for the better. There are many dentists in the Buffalo, NY area that use mini dental implants, in place of a traditional dental implant.  We don’t feel that mini-dental implants provide the structure, support, and long-term viability that a traditionally placed implant does.  Research supports this conclusion.  Mini-dental implants are best used to help anchor a denture if a patient is having difficulty keeping the denture in place.  If a patient is looking to replace a single lost tooth, a traditional dental implant is the best choice.  However, all patients are not necessarily a candidate for implants. Bone strength is essential for a properly placed implant. If you have bone loss, an implant may not be the right procedure for you. At our dental office in Williamsville, NY, Altman Dental will provide you with a free consultation for dental implants. We will discuss the procedure with you and whether of not it’s the best course of action for you.

Want to see the difference in level of support? Take a look at these 2 pics?                     traditional implant vs mini dental implantWhich one looks like more support to you???

Please give our office at Altman Dental a call and let us know how we can help you! For more information on the process involved in a dental implant, check out this link.