Altman Dental Monthly Molar

- Sadly, we were unable to get our Cruiser Night rescheduled. Look for a date next summer! We hope the weather will cooperate!
- Mark your calendars for our 3rd Annual UNYTS Blood Drive! Come on out to our dental office in Amherst, NY 5462 Sheridan Drive Williamsville, NY 14221, on August 26 between 12-3 pm to donate some blood! UNYTS is a great organization that helps our local community! To register for a time slot, click here.
- Now is the time to book those back to school appointments and send us any forms you may need filled out. You can email them to us too at

- iPad/New Patient Contest: Know a friend or family member looking for a dental office? We’d love it if you’d refer us! For each person referred and seen in our office by August 31, you will be entered to win an iPad!! You will also benefit by a $20 credit on your account with us for each referral.
- Looking for healthy recipes? Check out our food blog for healthy recipes low in sugar, high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. Jessica, the author of gardenfreshfoodie, is our resident plant-based chef and has a certificate in plant-based nutrition. She can help you down a path of healing (feel free to ask about that!). Here are some great healthy summer recipe ideas:
Chickpeas with Basil and Fresh Greens!
Healthy Dessert Idea? How about this cherry cobbler? Don’t have cherries? Try any other delish summertime fruit!
Be well and healthy!
-the Altman Dental Team