April Newsletter
OK-So March didn’t go out like a lamb-but it’s….
Let’s hope that the weather realizes it!
What’s going on in our office?
- New hours Beginning in May-we’re switching up Thursday nights and moving them to Mondays. So now we’ll be open late on Monday and Tuesday nights.
- Happy Easter and Passover to our patients who celebrate!
- Electric Toothbrushes for sale with a rebate: $125 with a $20 rebate
- 5 for $55: Did you know we have a referral program? Since our best referrals come from you, we give you $20 credit on your account per referral as a thank you. Refer 5 (make sure they give us your name) and you’ll receive a $55 gift certificate to restaurant of your choice.
- It’s Earth Day! Did you know we’re an eco-friendly office? We use digital x-rays (so no wasted films and 90% less radiation), digital records, low water use equipment, we recycle everything
- Happy birthday to our office and our hygienist Brandi! Our new space turns 2, Brandi turns, well, you’ll have to ask her 🙂
- Looking for healthy cooking classes or recipes? Check out www.gardenfreshfoodie.com for ideas and classes. Here’s a great recipe good for Easter or Passover, Moroccan Carrot Soup. Creamy and rich, without the cream, and oil free