August Monthly Molar
Welcome to the dog days of summer! We hope you’re having a great summer so far, and get to enjoy this month before we all get back to regular routines!
- Our 2nd Annual Cruiser Night was a HUGE success! We raised $860 for Heart Works, a pediatric cardiology non-profit. For more info on it www.heart-works.org
- Now is the time to book those back to school appointments and send us any forms you may need filled out. You can email them to us too at info@altmandental.com
- New Patient Special: Know a friend or family member looking for a dental office? We’d love it if you’d refer us. They can get a free initial exam, x-rays, and consultation if they mention this newsletter to us when they call to book their initial hygiene visit. You benefit by a $20 credit on your account with us.
- Looking for healthy recipes? Check out our food blog www.toothfood.com for healthy recipes low in sugar, high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. This recipe for Protein Power Quinoa Salad is a great meal or side dish, packed with protein! too! http://www.toothfood.com/side-dishes/protein-power-quinoa-salad/
or need a smoothie after an extraction? Try this Necto-Berry Smoothie
Enjoy the rest of summer!!!