Earth Day Every Day At Altman Dental
Earth Day Every Day At Altman Dental is our moto! We are very committed to leaving a lighter footprint on the earth through our own business practice. Maybe you don’t know all of the things that our office does to help out our beautiful planet:
- We recycle everything!!!!
- We are a fully digital office: no paper, no films for x-rays, no waste in chemical development of x-rays
- Digital x-rays mean 90% less radiation exposure for our patients
- Our suction is a DRY VAC system. Most offices waste 1 gallon of water for every hour of operation. We use NO Water That’s a minimum savings of 2250 gallons of water every year for our office
- The lighting used in our chairs are LED lights, emitting far less energy and heat than conventional lights.
- Our office lighting utilizes Compact Florescent Bulbs, using on average, 75% less energy
- All of our equipment comes from Portland, Oregon. All produced, down to the wires, in the USA!
- Our office waiting room furniture is produced in the USA
- We also are very committed to helping you eat healthier. Did you know the largest consumption of fossil fuels comes not from the car you drive, but the food on your plate. Animal-based foods consume a lot of resources like land, water, and fuel. For healthy, plant-based recipes that are great for you and the earth, check out our food blog Garden Fresh Foodie!
Join us in treading lighter on the planet! Let us know what you do to help the planet!