February Monthly Molar 2017
February Monthly Molar 2017: Welcome To The Month Of Love and Heart Health!
We love our patients! We wanted you to know! Thank you for being a part of our family!
What’s new here?
- Oral B Electric Toothbrushes! Mail-in rebate $20, total cost $105 for the kit below.
- It’s Children’s Dental Health Month: have you brought your kids in for a cleaning recently? Don’t forget, routine dental hygiene cleanings are important at all ages. If you think your child’s school would like a visit from us, please let us know and we’ll see if we can come and do a presentation (tooth brushes included!). For info on Pediatric Dental health and issues surrounding it, check out our Pintrest page.

- We’re selling Charlie Hearts in honor of Valentine’s Day, heart month, and pediatric dental health month! Come into the office and pick up a great heart necklace for $10 to help benefit www.heart-works.org, a non-for-profit that funds Pediatric Cardiology Research and help kids like Charlie!
- It’s Heart Health Month! The number 1 cause of death is heart disease in both men and women. This is LARGELY a preventable disease. We want to help you lead a healthy life! Join us for a one-time screening of Eating You Alive, a film covering how food impacts your health. Tickets can be found by clicking this link. Please bring a plant-based canned food item to for the Food Bank. The film’s producers will be skyping in for a live Q&A session following the screening. When: Thursday February 16 Sweet Home High School 6:30-8 pm. To watch the trailer, see below.
- More on heart health, our resident plant expert Jessica, is combining forces with Dr. Chad Teeters, the chief of cardiology from Highland Hospital from Rochester to discuss the health benefits of a plant-based diet for the prevention and reversal of heart disease.
When: Saturday March 25 10am-1pm at Sweet Home High School. For more on this event and how to register, click here.
Be Well!
-Altman Dental