Giving Back at Altman Dental
Give Back!
Holiday time is a time for giving back to our Buffalo, NY community! We have 2 ways you can help, now through end of December:
1) Candy Drop OFF!!!! Drop off your extra candy and we will get it to
Drop off left over Halloween candy and we will donate it to the Birthday Squad of Buffalo, a 501(c)(3) organization, created to bring joy & hope to impoverished children in the Buffalo, NY area. Their mission is simple: Provide fun & memorable birthday celebrations for these children. **Kids dropping off will receive a prize out of our prize chest 🙂 http://www.birthdaysquadofbuffalo.org/Home_Page.html
1) Candy Drop OFF!!!! Drop off your extra candy and we will get it to
Drop off left over Halloween candy and we will donate it to the Birthday Squad of Buffalo, a 501(c)(3) organization, created to bring joy & hope to impoverished children in the Buffalo, NY area. Their mission is simple: Provide fun & memorable birthday celebrations for these children. **Kids dropping off will receive a prize out of our prize chest 🙂 http://www.birthdaysquadofbuffalo.org/Home_Page.html

2) Canned Food Drive for the Food Bank of WNY: Drop off canned goods/non-perishables to us now-Dec 30.