Happy July From Altman Dental
Happy July!
Before summer flies on by, don’t forget to make those appointments for yourself or the kids hygiene check before they go back to school.
We wanted to let you know about our exciting 3nd Annual Cruise Night! If you have a cool car or classic bike, bring it. We’ll have extra parking in the lot next door to us for those coming without a classic car. Please join us and bring some friends/family! PLus Lloyd’s Taco Truck will be here!!!
When: Wednesday July 1 from 6-8:30 pm
Why: Fun and to benefit www.heart-works.org, a pediatric cardiology non-profit
What: Cool cars, old school tunes, Lloyd’s Taco Truck & an Ice Cream Truck, food for purchase.
Benefit: 50/50 raffle with money going to Heart Works, plus raffling off gift certificates. Pictured below is Charlie, a pedaitric cardiology kid. Charlie’s doing great, thanks to the amazing work that is possible with constant improvements in equipment and research.
iPad Contest!!! Don’t forget! Refer a friend or family member that’s seen in our office before August 31, and your name will be entered to win an iPad!!! Plus every person who is seen, you get your $20 referral credit too!
Celebrate summer and be safe! Eat healthy! For great summertime recipes, check out our food blog: www.gardenfreshfoodie.com
Try these delicious and healthy recipes Baked Beans and an Oil-Free Red Cabbage Slaw; a light and delicious recipe, great for any BBQ!