Altman Dental June Monthly Molar
Happy June Monthly Molar!!!!

Yeah! We’ve made it! It’s summer, and that brings us to celebrations, BBQs, and times with friends! We hope you enjoy all these things! We have a few special things ahead too!
- IPad Contest!!!!! Refer a new patient that’s seen in our office between June 1-August 31 2015, and your name will be entered into a drawing for each person you refer. We will draw the winner on September 1!!!

- PLEASE mark your calendars! Wednesday July 1-our 3rd annual Cruiser Night! 50/50 raffle to benefit www.heart-works.org, a charity near and dear to our hearts. Heart Works raises money for local pediatric cardiology research, and was begun in honor of Dr. Altman’s nephew, Charlie. Bring your cruiser, or just join us for cool cars, Lloyd’s Tacos, and fun!!!! You can park in the lot next to us if you’re not bringing a classic car. At Altman Dental, we love to give back to the Buffalo community.
Time: 6-8 pm Wed July 1 in our parking lot Altman Dental in Amherst, NY.
- Rebate for electric toothbrushes ends June 30-$20 off our already low price, making total $105
- Mark your calendar for August 26 to donate blood to UNYTS
- Looking for some healthy recipes for summer? Check out our food blog:www.gardenfreshfoodie.com
How about this Buckwheat Tabbouleh Salad-oil & gluten free. Buckwheat is naturally gluten free because it’s a seed!