March Monthly Molar 2016

We’re Thinking Spring (if we all do, maybe it’ll happen?!) Total March Madness!
It’s Time For Spring Cleaning and the March Monthly Molar!
1) Refer a Friend/family member/co-worker to our new patient contest (our best referrals come from patients like you!)
- For each new patient referred & seen now-April 30, you will be entered to win a $100 gift card to either Lowe’s or Home Depot for some help in your sping cleanup! You will still receive your $20 thank you credit for each new patient.

- Our last new patient referral contest was won by Ellen Rich! Ellen-we hope you love your new electric toothbrush!
2) Don’t forget those mouth guards! If it’s back to the fields this spring, many sports are heavy hitting. If you or your child plays contact sports, they should wear a mouth guard. This is especially true for those who have orthodontic treatments! Click here to read a little more about our mouth guards.

3) It’s Nutrition Month! Your dental health includes your heart health and diabetes. And we’re trying to help make a difference!
- We had a great wellness program this past month discussing the connection between disease and nutrition. The program was run by Jessica, the educator from www.gardenfreshfoodie.com. Jessica prepared a massaged kale salad (shown below), as well as some simple lentils.
Pictured below is a raw Moroccan Kale Salad made without added oils, like what Jessica demonstrated.
- Join us for a workshop we’re sponsoring that brings Dr. Thomas Campbell to Buffalo. Dr. Campbell is a UB Medical School grad, and a professor within the University of Rochester Medical School. He has begun a medical program at U of R that integrates nutrition. Dr. Campbell will be followed by Jessica, our own Garden Fresh Foodie. For more on this event, click here for Facebook, or here for website registration.
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Facebook Garden Fresh Foodie www.facebook.com/gardenfreshfoodie
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