Monthly Molar: November 2014

OH MY! It’s November?!! How did that happen already?!
As always, we have a lot of cool news to share with you!!
- We raised over $700 for the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Walk! Thanks to those who participated and who contributed. We do this annually, and hope you join us next year!

- We are having a candy drop off-clear out the junk left over from Halloween. We are donating it to a great organization called the Birthday Squad. They create birthday parties for impoverished children and their families. But you have to watch our awesome video of our staff to collect candy!
- Canned food drive for the Food Bank from now until Dec 31. Help us fill a bin when you come in, or drop off if you’re passing our office.

- Electric Toothbrushes make great presents! $30 rebate-making total for an Electric Oral B toothbrush $95 (normally $125)! Can’t find them less expensive!!!

- Refer a friend/family member/coworker-get $20 off your bill! Our best referrals come from you! We appreciate your referrals!!
- Help us get the word out and write us a review on Google, and we’ll send you a little token of thanks! Here’s the link, it works best from a regular computer or forget the link and write it through the Google Maps app. Just be sure to use our new address 5462 Sheridan Dr. 14221-and thanks!
- Looking for healthy recipes? Join Jessica from the office for cooking classes. To sign up, click here: or check out our food blog via
Red Lentil Curry Soup-great way to fight those high calorie holiday meals
As always, we wish you and your family a healthy and happy Thanksgiving!