It’s the November 2017 Monthly Molar-Ways To Give Back at Altman Dental
OH MY! It’s November?!! How did that happen already?!
As always, we have a lot of cool news to share with you!!
Give Back!
Holiday time is a time for giving back to our Buffalo, NY community! We have 2 ways you can help, now through end of December:
1) Candy Drop OFF!!!! Drop off your extra candy and we will get it to
Drop off left over Halloween candy and we will donate it to the Birthday Squad of Buffalo, a 501(c)(3) organization, created to bring joy & hope to impoverished children in the Buffalo, NY area. Their mission is simple: Provide fun & memorable birthday celebrations for these children. **Kids dropping off will receive a prize out of our prize chest 🙂
2) Canned Food Drive for the Food Bank of WNY: Drop off canned goods/non-perishables to us now-Dec 30.
- DO NOT LET YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY TAKE YOUR BENEFITS! If you’re insurance term end December 31, please call us to see what you may have remaining and schedule any work that needs to be done. Appointments at this time of year can be challenging, so please call us ASAP!
- Electric Toothbrushes make great presents! $125 with a $20 mail-in rebate! Can’t find them less expensive!!!
Looking to fight heart disease and diabetes? Free lectureon how Your Fork=Your Health, free lecture at Audubon Library on Nov 14 @7pm, or Join Jessica from the office for healthy cooking classes December 7th cooking class with openings, click here to register/more info. Check out our food blog via Pictured below is Butternut Squash Soup, click the picture for the recipe.

As always, we wish you and your family a healthy and happy Thanksgiving!
-All of us at Altman Dental