November Monthly Molar

OH MY! It’s November?!! How did that happen already?!
As always, we have a lot of cool news to share with you!!
- We are having a candy drop off-clear out the junk left over from Halloween and drop off at our office at Altman Dental. We are donating it to Troops Over Seas. Please drop off betwen Nov 2-6.

- Referral Contest! Congrats to Peter P. who won our iPad contest! But not to worry! We have a $100 gift card to Amazon contest! Refer a new patient now-Dec 15 and have your name entered to win a $100 gift card. PLUS, as always, refer a friend/family member/coworker-get $20 off your bill! Our best referrals come from you! We appreciate your referrals!!Refer a friend/family member/coworker-get $20 off your bill! Our best referrals come from you! We appreciate your referrals!!
- Electric Toothbrushes make great presents! $20 rebate-making total for an Electric Oral B toothbrush $105 (normally $125)! Can’t find them less expensive!!! We also have water picks!

- Help us get the word out and write us a review on Google, and we’ll send you a little token of thanks! Here’s the link, it works best from a regular computer or forget the link and write it through the Google Maps app. Just be sure to use our address Altman Dental 5462 Sheridan Dr. Williamsville, NY 14221-and thanks! https://plus.google.com/+AltmanDentalWilliamsville/about?hl=en
- Join us for a screening of Plant Pure Nation Thursday November 5 at 7 pm. Watch the trailer and discover the importance of this movie! Click here for tickets.
- Looking for healthy recipes? Join Jessica from the office for cooking classes. or check out our food blog via www.gardenfreshfoodie.com. Pictured below is Butternut Squash Soup, click the picture for the recipe.
As always, we wish you and your family a healthy and happy Thanksgiving!