October Monthly Molar
Welcome October! The beautiful month of leaves, soups, and goblins!
We hope you’re doing well and want to let you know about a few things going on at the office this month:
1) It’s breast cancer awareness month. We’re selling ribbons for $1 in our office to support American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Walk
2) We are taking part in the Making Strides Walk through the American Cancer Society. Please join our team! If you’d like to join or make a donation, click here for the link to our page.
3) Our Friends and Family Discount continues through the end of October. Refer a friend/family member and they will receive a free exam and digital x-rays. You will receive $20 off your next bill as a thank you!
4) Candy Drop Off For Troops! Drop off your leftover candy the 1st week of November. We’ll send it oversees for our troops
5) We have many ways to keep you healthy! Find healthy foods & tips to make beautiful smiles, check out Altman Dental Pintrest page. Check out our healthy food blog, now called Garden Fresh Foodie www.gardenfreshfoodie.com on facebook & instagram @gardenfreshfoodie, and @gardenfreshfood on twitter. Pictured below is our fresh tomato sauce recipe.
6) Interested in Invsalign? Check out Melanie’s progress on You Tube! Ask us about how to get that perfect smile you’ve been wanting
Enjoy this beautiful weather!!!
-Altman Dental