October Monthly Molar Plus Candy Donation
Welcome October! The beautiful month of leaves, soups, and goblins!
The October Monthly Molar has ways to say thanks to our patients, health tips, and ways to give back by making a left over Halloween candy donation!
We hope you’re doing well and want to let you know about a few things going on at the office this month:
1) Referral Contest!!! Thank you to all who have referred a friend/family member! From now-October 15 you will be entered to win a $100 Target gift card. Winner will be drawn October 16! PLUS you will still receive a $20 referral credit per person off your next bill as a thank you!
2) Candy Drop Off!!!! Have a few pieces, and then bring the rest of that Halloween candy to us! We will donate your candy to the Birthday Squad of Buffalo, a 501(c)(3) organization, created to bring joy & hope to impoverished children in the Buffalo, NY area. Their mission is simple: Provide fun & memorable birthday celebrations for these children. http://www.birthdaysquadofbuffalo.org/Home_Page.html
3) It’s that time of year, your insurance benefits are running out! Don’t let your insurance company keep your benefits! Call us to book your work before the end of the year!
4) It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Orange is the new pink!
a) Nutrition research links your diet to risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and periodontal disease. We have many ways to keep you healthy! For healthy foods & tips to make beautiful smiles, visit our Altman Dental Pinterest page.
For an article on this, click here
b) Our Healthy Recipes can be found on a blog called Garden Fresh Foodie on (same name on facebook & instagram). Pictured below is our Red Lentil Curry Soup– a perfect orange treat for the fall!
c) Interested to learn how to cook healthy foods? Get ahead of holiday indulgence. Check this line up of classes! Plus several free lectures!
Enjoy the beautiful fall weather!!!
-Altman Dental