October Monthly Molar 2018 New Hours New Staff
Welcome October! The beautiful month of leaves, soups, and goblins! We hope you’re doing well and want to let you know about a few things going on at the office this month: 1) Our hours are expanding along with our staff to serve you better! More early am and […]

How to Know if You Have a Cavity
How To Know if You Have A Cavity According to the National Institutes of Health, the most prevalent health condition after the common cold is tooth decay. It’s more than likely that if you haven’t already had a cavity, you will develop at least one in your lifetime. So, how do you know if you […]

February 2018 Monthly Molar
Welcome To The Month Of Love and our February 2018 Monthly Molar ! We love our patients! We wanted you to know! Thank you for being a part of our family! What’s new here? New patient referral Feel The Love contest! For each new patient referred now-March 30th, we’ll enter you in our drawing for a $50 […]

What is an Dental Abscess?
What is a Dental Abscess? Maybe you’ve heard the term abscess, and thought what is a dental abscess? Well, it’s not a term most people like to hear, but finding relief is something you’ll have immediately after you are treated. An abscess can form along the gum line or at the base of a tooth. […]

December Monthly Molar 2017
Happy Holidays! We hope you had a great Thanksgiving-and now….onto December! This is the time of year we want to remind you that your insurance benefits are running out! Don’t let the insurance company take your benefits away. Use them before you lose them. Call us to schedule any end of the year work that you need […]

Cost of A Dental Implant
Many people have become interested in dental implants. As greater advances in durability and appearance have occurred, use of dental implants has spread. A dental implant is a great alternative to having a bridge or an empty space where a tooth has been pulled. When teeth are removed from the mouth, shifting occurs, and this […]

Giving Back at Altman Dental
Give Back! Holiday time is a time for giving back to our Buffalo, NY community! We have 2 ways you can help, now through end of December: 1) Candy Drop OFF!!!! Drop off your extra candy and we will get it to Drop off left over Halloween candy and we will donate it to the Birthday Squad of […]

November 2017 Monthly Molar-Ways To Give Back at Altman Dental
It’s the November 2017 Monthly Molar-Ways To Give Back at Altman Dental OH MY! It’s November?!! How did that happen already?! As always, we have a lot of cool news to share with you!! Give Back! Holiday time is a time for giving back to our Buffalo, NY community! We have 2 ways you can help, now through end […]

Candy Drop Off
End of Month way for Giving Back at Altman Dental!! Candy Drop Off!!!! Have a few pieces, and then bring the rest of that Halloween candy to us! We will donate your candy to the Birthday Squad of Buffalo, a 501(c)(3) organization, created to bring joy & hope to impoverished children in the Buffalo, NY […]

October Monthly Molar Plus Candy Donation
Welcome October! The beautiful month of leaves, soups, and goblins! The October Monthly Molar has ways to say thanks to our patients, health tips, and ways to give back by making a left over Halloween candy donation! We hope you’re doing well and want to let you know about a few things going on at the […]
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